Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
Rules :
- Reporting time will be sharp at 10:00AM. Participants must be present 30 mins prior to the event.
- Each team should contain 4 players compulsory (Registration is team wise 200/- Rs per team and On the spot registration not available at the time of competition).
- Detailed rules for playing the game will be specified at the time of competition (i.e. maps and all).
- Rules must be followed by participants given by the co-ordinators at the time of competition. And decisions by co-ordinators will be final.
- If any of the participants tries to make noise or cheats while playing, then the whole team will be disqualified immediately.
- Students have to bring their own headphones.
- Three final groups (each of 4 members) will be awarded trophies and certificates.
- Participants should carry their own mobile devices (Android/iOS). College won’t be providing mobile devices.
- Games should be updated and installed before the event/competition.
- No one participant will be getting extra time for updating or installation of the game.
- You are not allowed to leave the premises until the competition is wrapped up.
- Maps will be disclosed at the time of the event.